Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Bingo Boffin

Here's a fun little guy to deal with: Bingo Boffin! When you help this little Hobbit he will give you Bingo Badges. Trade your Bingo Badges with Bert Bartleby for some awesome prize!! We (all my toons and I) are up to the Trollshaws with Bingo - I'll meet with him by Bilbo Baggins' trolls over the next few weeks. Bingo has some fun extra quests to do for and with him and Bert has some great items you can get from him.

Bingo Boffin

Bert Bartleby and his horse "Old Rattlepacks"

So far, all my toons have 4 pets from Bert and Bingo and we have some nice stuff for the house.
(See more bellows)

The cosmetic pets I've been able to get this far into the storyline:

Brown Rabbit

Tan Sheep

Sleek Fox

Brown Squirrel

Housing items I've been able to get so far:

The messy writing table. My chair and the rug my tailor
made with the Bingo/Bert table.

Ancient relics table.

Prancing Pony sign.

Bingo's friend Theodore Gorse. I've got him
as a property guard. I'm not sure if he'll stay out or not.
I'll probably rotate him as I do with my other yard items.

When you "use" Theodore - another Theodore will show up.
The 2nd Theodore carries a torch and will follow you all around...
I even ran outside the housing gates and he followed me. As long
as you don't get on a horse/goat or take quick travel the 2nd Theodore will
follow you until you log out (or get on a horse/goat).

Bingo's famous hat racks!
The Shire rack - an empty hat rack to trade up for other hat racks.

The Bree-land hat rack. One hat.

The Lone-lands hat rack. Two hats.

The Trollshaws hat rack. Three hats on the rack.

I am looking forward to getting more great stuff from Bert and doing more fun things with Bingo! I love these quests and prizes!! So much fun to do.

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