Friday, April 14, 2017

Gaming Issues Lately

Lately I have been experiencing a lot things I've rarely experienced in my (almost) 7 years of gaming on this account with LotRO: Several hours and days worth of "rubber-banding", stopping  and starting, major delays in accepting and turning in tasks, quests, opening up the vault, speaking with an NPC or Vendor etc...  This is not a once in a while thing this is an most of the day, everyday thing. It will clear up for a bit then start right back again.

I've cleared out the DNS cache, installed a new modem, the tech looked at all the wiring and found it great with several tests -- all this has helped the internet to load faster now and made the online radio work well again but not helping at all with LotRO issues. The only other problem it might be at home or on this end is the Ethernet Cable - I might have to get another one of those.

LotRO is having some side server issues they are working on right now - so that might be the problem. LotRO works great sometimes but other times I'm having lots and lots of gaming issues - stuff I've rarely experienced in almost 7 years on this account with them.

I've tried Turbine's DDO and not a problem with that game - but I wasn't on it that long before I switched back to Turbine's LotRO to see if I'm still having issues and I'm only having a little bit of delay issues currently.

When LotRO starts acting really badly again - I'll switch to DDO and see if it's acting the same. I'll try/test it again... if DDO is doing it then it's definitely on this end!! If DDO is fine then it's definitely LotRO and they are working on getting errors fixed as I type this blog entry out.

I'll know soon enough I guess lol!!

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