Tuesday, September 27, 2016

And The Fishing Begins

I started with Faron fishing for his house  trophies (of course festivals were we fish) but decided last night - they all need to get their fishing. So starts the role-playing fun of who's the better fisherman.
Dilliar told Faron "No man can out fish a dwarf!" -- So he started his fishing today... lol. Not much to brag about in the beginning as far as the fish goes but he'll catch up sooner or later. :P
 (Read more below)

"Faron's right, this is a good fishing hole" says Dilliar. 
Yea this is a good hole in the North Down to me... nice little place
and I don't have to worry about many enemies around me. 

"You can't have a fishing tournament without me" says Lyoin. 
Well, Lyoin decided to join the other two... rather I decided that Lyoin is going to join the others with the fishing. It's sorta a challenge for me to get several characters fishing up to par -- but they are hunting ores and wood while out. :)

"Hey guys wait for me!" shouts Bontao! 
Yes Bontao, you can fish while on your big adventure through Middle Earth - 
just keep your hobbit eyes watching for enemies!

 "Well if you guys are gonna fish, I'll up the challenge to ice fishing in Ered Luin!" growls Hodrath.
This beorning should be caught up to Faron in fishing fairly soon
 - along with the rest of my fishing group. 

I think I need Taure to start his fishing as well
 - that way I'll have an elf in this mix while they all work on their fishing. 
So one more to get started in this group of fishermen.

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