Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The One Server To Rule Them All

OK I really thought I could handle 2 servers since I had 4 servers for a long time - but I'm tired of shutting off the program and restarting it to change servers and check on and play the other characters. I thought one server over and over. Well I got all my Landroval characters I wanted to  keep ready to move to my Crickhollow server with my group over there but no server transfers were available  until October. I did not want to wait a month to play the game over transfers. I wanted the 6 toons moved badly and would have paid for those transfers on the 1st or 2nd of September gladly!! But I could NOT wait until October so I re-made them on Crickhollow instead of waiting to transfer them  - I didn't want to do that but I did it anyway! And after I did that the server transfers are now available once again!! Hahaha - and it was too late for me this month $-wise to have them transferred. OH but I did get me another 3 month subscription instead of transferring toons!

Anyway -- long story short: I have ONE server now and all my best characters are on that server. I'm done trying to handle 2 servers and I was way past done handling the 4 servers. And I have another 3-month game subscription and get all those great benefits now!!