Thursday, September 15, 2016

Characters Re-Rolled

Here's the list of toons (characters) I've moved from Landroval by re-rolling them onto Crickhollow with my other toons there: Augustinn, Marrinus, Charrwin, Taaure, Shanyar & Phayel. Those "axed" from Landroval were Katlaa, Ponric, Glondif & Coremar; I "axed" Ottavia from Crickhollow to make room for all my favorites from Landroval to Crickhollow. Now I'm left with my top favorite toons and just one server to play on. 

The toons that were re-rolled from Landroval to Crickhollow shown below
with any class and name changes noted: 
Augustinn Cinna - he remains a Captain on Crickhollow.
He was able to keep the spelling of his name.

Marrinus Cinna - he is still a Warden, now on Crickhollow.
He had to change the spelling of his name from Marinus to Marrinus. 

Charrwin Cinna - she was a Burglar on Landroval but now is a Minstrel on Crickhollow.
She had to change her name spelling, it was Charwin and now it's Charrwin. 

Taaure Dawin - he's still a Champion, now on Crickhollow. 
He had a slight spelling change to his name too: from Taure to Taaure. 

Shanyar Dawin - he remains a Rune-keeper on Crickhollow. 
Was able to keep his name. 

Phayel Alvar, Taaure's Sister and Shanyar's Daughter. 
She was a Lore-Master on Landroval but is now a Hunter on Crickhollow. 
I wish I would have thought of this when the servers condensed, but at the time I thought I was wanting to play on two servers but grew tired of keeping track of 2 servers. I'm glad I'm down to one with all my favorite toons on it. Yes this is worth it!! And a new blog to go with the changes! :)

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